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Article Marketing Strategy For Newbies
Posted By Chandan Dutta On June 13, 2009 @ 6:02 am In Article Marketing | 3 Comments
As you are reading this post I will assume that you know the meaning of Affiliate Marketing and how to make money online through Affiliate Marketing. If don’t then you can read my another post:
Affiliate Marketing For Behinners [2]
Step 1: Go to EzineArticles.com [3]. It is the great Article Directory in planet. There are so many article directory but to work through through strategy EzineArticles is enough. You will get articles almost in all topics.
Step2: Search article for your interested topic in the search area. See what articles are cumming up Ezinearticles search result.
Step3: Select the top most articles and read it once. Now come down and have a look at most read articles. You will be a amazed to see that number of times article has been read. Now think if your articles will also be read that many times then how you will feel? Its not only a good feeling as a writer but also you can make lot of money.
Step4: Read a few most read articles and try to get some idea. Don’t copy the articles for your articles. Just get the idea how they are writing and why their articles are getting so much visit.
Step5: Go to ClickBank [4] and select a product to promote and write articles on that topic. If you are not getting this step and read once my post Affiliate Marketing For Beginners [2] and come back to this post.
Step6: Now submit your articles to Ezinearticls.com. Don’t forget to put your affiliate link in the resource box using the appropriate keyword.
Step7: Write again a new article and sumit to EzineArticles.com. Similarly you can submit articles to some other popular directory also such as GoArticles.com, ArticleDashBoard.com. Look at popular list of Article Directory at the bottom of this post. Submit as many as articles you can submit.
Step 8: Wait and see your result. If you have written articles on a hot topic and used proper keyword in your article surely you will be able to earn money.
Watch the video below:
If you are unable to watch then click here [5]
For better result for your article writing you can go to isnare.com [6]. Isnare will distribute your article to thousands of article directories for a very less price. It will save your time.
Now take an example. You are promoting a product form which you will earn $20 as commission per sale. You wrote an article and submitted to EzineArticles. Suppose your article got 190 visit daily as shown in the video. 190 means almost 200. So, among 200 at least 1 people will buy the product you are promoting. That is only .05%. Imagine now if you write 2 articles daily on two different topics how much you will be able to earn?
However though this system looks so easy its actually not. You should be able to identify a profitable product and for a profitable product there are so many competitors. More over you should be very efficient in keyword research.
If you really want to earn extra money from home by writing articles I [7]highly recommend you to look at once ONE WEEK MARKETING [7] by PotPieGirl. This is one of the best selling online product. In One Week Marketing you will learn step by step to identify a profitable product to promote, keyword research and everything you need to know make money writing articles. You don’t need any website or blog to make money writing articles. PotPieGirl is giving a FREE ebook about creating Squidoo lens. You can use your articles to create a Squidoo lens which is similar to submitting articles to article directory.
Grab your free copy of Squidoo Lens Creation For Newbies [8] till it is available and start making money on internet from now.
FREE Article Spinner Software:
Will it not be amazing if somebody writes fresh new new article instead of writing articles yourself? Of couse yes. Isn’t it? Article Spinner is a software that can generate new version of fresh articles from existing articles. Just load the Article Spinner with few existing articles and it will generate new version of articles for you. So, how much it will cost? $47, $37, $27?
The great news is you now can download Article Spinner Tool v2.1 for FREE. Download it, let it generate articles for you and sit back. Once generated submit it to Article Directories or create Squidoo lens.
Download Article Spinner Tool v2.1 [9]
Popular Article Directories:
Don’t feel any hesitation to ask me any question if you get any problem while using Article Spinner Tool v2.1 or if you have any doubt.
Tags:Article Marketing [19],article marketing guide [20],article marketing software [21],article marketing strategies [22],article marketing tips [23]
Article printed from Earn Money Online: How To Make Money Online: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com
URL to article: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/article-marketing/article-marketing-strategy
URLs in this post:
[1] Earning money online: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com
[2] Affiliate Marketing For Behinners: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/affiliate-marketing/affiliate-marketing-for-beginners
[3] EzineArticles.com: http://ezinearticles.com
[4] ClickBank: http://janu001.thecbcode.hop.clickbank.net
[5] here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMUJrilkrqg
[6] isnare.com: http://www.isnare.com/
[7] Image: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/recommends/One-Week-Marketing.html
[8] Squidoo Lens Creation For Newbies: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/recommends/Squidoo-Lens-Creation.html
[9] Download Article Spinner Tool v2.1: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/InternetMarketingSoftware/ArticleSpinner.exe
[10] http://www.ezinearticles.com: http://www.ezinearticles.com
[11] http://www.goarticles.com: http://www.goarticles.com
[12] http://www.articledashboard.com: http://www.articledashboard.com
[13] http://www.submiturartices.com: http://www.submiturartices.com
[14] http://www.articlesbase.com: http://www.articlesbase.com
[15] http://www.articlewheel.com: http://www.articlewheel.com
[16] http://www.articlerich.com: http://www.articlerich.com
[17] http://www.articlecafe.net: http://www.articlecafe.net
[18] http://www.articleblotter.com: http://www.articleblotter.com
[19] Article Marketing: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/article-marketing
[20] article marketing guide: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/article-marketing-guide
[21] article marketing software: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/article-marketing-software
[22] article marketing strategies: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/article-marketing-strategies
[23] article marketing tips: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/article-marketing-tips
[24] 7 Article Writing tips - Get Your Articles Read Easily: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/article-marketing/7-article-writing-tips
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