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Search Engine Optimization For Dummies
Posted By Chandan Dutta On June 24, 2009 @ 6:00 pm In SEO Tips | 25 Comments
The aim of this post is to show you how to make your content Search Engine Optimized to get most out of your effort. It is very important part for your online success. This post contains the basics of search engine optimization methods. It is not difficult to implement the basic methods.
Before going to details I would like to say that Keyword Research is the core of Search Engine Optimization. If you don’t have idea about Keyword Research then you can view my post:
OK, now you have done with your keyword research for your selected niche. Next step is to optimized your contents so that search engine can find your contents.
There are two types of optimization methods: Onpage Optimization and Offpage Optimization. Let me start with OnPage optimization.
Onpage optimization basically consists of all of the ranking factors that are located on your webpage. I am going in details steps of these ranking factor.
1.Title: This is the title of your webpage. In html it looks as <Title> </Title>. It is very important to put your main keyword inside title. If you put blank inside title tag you won’t be able to rank in search engine.
To get idea write “download antivirus” in Google and see what’s come up. I got as below:
Download FREE antivirus software - avast! Home Edition - this is the title of the page www.avast.com/eng/download-avast-home.html. To make sure go to the website and see the source view of that page. just right click and click view source.
Google shows the title of any web page in their search result. Try to complete your title withing 60 character.
2.Meta Description: It appears just below the title in the search engine result. Make a proper description for your webpage including all your main keyword. Don’t put more than 5 keywords and try to complete meta description within 160 character. You can see meta description in source view as:
Put your keywords in Meta Keywords also but search engine doesn’t give value for that because of peoples spamming nature.
3.Header Tag: These are the tags that appear as <h1></h1> <h2></h2> <h3></h3>. There are total 6 header tag up to h6. Use it for your webpage properly. Put your page main heading including main keyword in the <h1></h1> tag and sub heading including sub keyword <h2> </h2> tag and continue like this. Whenever search engine crawl your page it crawl the header tags before the text.
4.Bold, Italic Tag: Use <strong></strong> tag to make your text bold and <i></i> for italic. Mind that I did not say to use <b></b> to make bold because search engine give more importance to <strong></strong> tag. Try to make your main keyword bold al least in first paragraph.
5.Image Alt: Alt is an attribute for the img tag. It appears when the browser can’t display image. Here is an example how you have to use :
<img src=”image path” alt=”click To Download Antivirus”> </img>
Always put meaningful content using keyword. Don’t overdo it as search engine may see it as spam.
6.Link: Link are used to link another page or website. It appears in html as
<a href=”download.html”> Download Antivirus</a> Always use good Anchor text while creating link and use your keyword.
<a href=”download.html”> Click Here</a> is NOT a good example of
onpage optimization. It is not an optimized method to use image or flash files while creating hyperlink because spiders for most search engines do not typically crawl links within Flash files or images.
Well, these are the basic Onpage Search Engine Optimization Methods.
Offpage optimization basically consists of all of the ranking factors that are NOT located on your webpage, that the search engines look at when ranking a website.
These include:
For Offpage optimization you need to promote your website. It is not simple as Onpage Optimization. For this you need to opt different methods such as Article Marketing, Forum Posting, Blog Posting, Web2.0 etc. As it is difficult to cover everything in one post I am going to write in different post.
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Tags:search engine optimization basics [3],search engine optimization for beginners [4],search engine optimization for dummies [5],search engine optimization tutorial [6],SEO Tips [7]
Article printed from Earn Money Online: How To Make Money Online: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com
URL to article: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/search-engine-optimization-for-dummies
URLs in this post:
[1] KeyWord Research: Why it is important for your online business: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/keyword-research
[2] Image: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/go/Build-Free-Websites/
[3] search engine optimization basics: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/search-engine-optimization-basics
[4] search engine optimization for beginners: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/search-engine-optimization-for-beginners
[5] search engine optimization for dummies: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/search-engine-optimization-for-dummies
[6] search engine optimization tutorial: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/search-engine-optimization-tutorial
[7] SEO Tips: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/tag/seo-tips
[8] What Happens If You Change The Title of a Site Which Is Already Ranking: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/what-happens-if-you-change-the-title-of-a-site-which-is-already-ranking
[9] Stop Wasting Time For Search Engine Optimization!: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/stop-wasting-time-for-search-engine-optimization
[10] How To Make Your Blog Search Engine Optimized?: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/how-to-make-your-blog-search-engine-optimized
[11] How These SEO Secrets Can Make You More Money Online!: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/how-these-seo-secrets-can-make-you-more-money-online
[12] How I Ranked in First Page of Google Within 48 Hours: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/seo-tips/how-i-ranked-in-first-page-of-google-within-48-hours
[13] Can You Rank in First Page Of Google Without Any Content?: http://earnmoneyonlinehub.com/my-products/can-you-rank-in-first-page-of-google-without-any-content
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