Rapid Profit Formula Review: Another SCAM? Find The TRUTH Here!
So, you have been searching about rapid profit formula review and reached here. I don’t like to fill my blog only with product review post. I review only those products where I find something new to learn and which are really worth of learning. Of course there are lot of bogus and junk products in market and those will simply waste your time and money. I know few products belong to that category and very soon I will inform you about those junk products so that can stay away from those. By the way one such product is Mass Money Makers.

= => This review is going to be little long. So, if you are in hurry then check out the official website by here => RapidProfitFormula.com
Brief Overview of Rapid Profit Formula:
Matt Carter is the creator of rapid profit formula. He is one of the honest internet markers among many others. Even he manages one blog on affiliate marketing and provides really nice tips. I could not remember when I subscribed to his list, but it was almost 1.5 years back. From that time I am in his list only because of one thing and that is he really respect his subscribers and want to help them. Not like some internet marketer who just know to send promotional email. There is no need to say that Matt Carter is a successful entrepreneur and spending a wonderful life using his own method.
So, What is Exactly Rapid Profit Formula?
It is online course that teaches you how to make money online promoting physical products. Even though I could write it one sentence, but in reality it is not so simple. You need to learn lot of things to make money online. Please don’t believe to them who shows you that you can make thousands of dollar spending only half an hour and even newbie can make it very easily. I don’t like all those hypes.
In the sales page of rapid profit formula you will notice that Matt Carter is making $5451.18 weekly. It’s doable and there is no hype at all. Of course it’s not possible within a short period of time. It will take time and efforts and you will be able to make it if you work consistently. I liked the sales page because it is not trying to misleading people saying you can make it just spending half an hour work and it’s too easy like drinking water. LOL
Idea of Promoting Physical Products:
You already know that people buy lot of things online such as clothes, electronics things, guide etc. If you are not sure then you can have a look at Amazon.com. You will see lot of products there.
According to a survey Amazon’s(www.Amazon.com) annual revenue was $19,166,000,000. Wow!! a lot of money, right? This revenue came only through selling products. Let me ask you one question now. Can we have a small percentage of that amount? Yes, definitely we can. Amazon has affiliate program. Means if you can sale any product from Amazon through your reference, Amazon will give you a commission. This commission vary depending on the number of items you sale. The easiest part is you don’t have to manage any product. Your only need to direct people to Amazon through your affiliate link. More over Amazon.com is not only the one from where you can promote products, there are lot others which offer affiliate program.
Does this sounds okay to you? It is absolutely doable and everybody can make it if they want. But remember, there are lot of things to learn to get success online.
Basically You Need To Learn The Below Things:
1. How to select the best keyword. This is the most important part of your online success. If you select a wrong keyword, there is a possibility that you won’t make money at all.
2. Which product to promote so that you can make sale easily. Of course There is no point of promoting products that don’t get sales.
3. How to create a WordPress blog. Don’t get scared, it’s really easy and you need it since you want to start your online journey. More websites or blogs you have means more profit for you.
4. Search Engine Optimization: Doing all the previous steps are waste of time and efforts if you can’t rank in search engine such as Google. Again, don’t get scared. It’s not that much difficult that people think. You need to know which keyword to select and how to rank it. Even when I started my online journey, I never thought I would be able to rank in Google. But I was following the process of ranking sites and I did it. If I can do it, you can too.
Best Part of Rapid Profit Formula:
Rapid Profit Formula will teach you all the above mentioned steps. It includes video as well as PDF tutorials. However I just gave an outline of the product and what it does. You will be able to learn a lot more than this in Rapid Profit Formula and you can read it yourself in the official website.
Not only physical products but also you can apply the tips and strategies from Rapid Profit Formula to promote digital products such as eBook,Software etc. So, if tomorrow you see another product about promoting digital products, then you don’t have to purchase that again. According to me Rapid Profit Formula is the complete and comprehensive course for all those who are trying to make money online.
Till now I haven’t involved much in promoting physical product. Before purchasing Rapid Profit Formula, I have been promoting products from ClickBank. ClickBank is another affiliate network from where you can promote digital products such as software, eBook etc and get commission whenever you make any sales. But I had a wish to promote physical products and that is why I bought Rapid Profit Formula. I am planning to start 5 more sites within next month only to promote physical products.
Bad Thing About Rapid Profit Formula:
The course includes some program details for better search engine ranking and those may not be suitable for a newbie because of investment. I am sorry that I can’t revel those programs details since Rapid Profit Formula is a not a free product. But there is no need to worry since I am here. I will help you in all the way so that you can achieve better search engine ranking without using those programs. Please check my Bonuses. Once you get those two Bonus guides, I don’t think you will need any of those programs covered in Rapid Profit Formula. Neither I used them yet nor planning to use them in coming days.
I believe there is no need to think much. Try it once and apply the tips and strategies. I am sure that you will be able to make money online. And in any case if you don’t like the product then simply ask for a refund. There is 60 days 100% money back guarantee.
Is it newbie friendly?
-> 100% it is. If you know the basics of computers such as checking emails, copy paste work, downloading video, playing video then I don’t think you will get any trouble.
What are the other expenses I will need?
-> $10 per year for domain and $10 per month for hosting account. However you can use free hosting sites as Blogspot.com.com to save this money. But if you are really serious then I strongly recommend you to purchase own domain and hosting account. Except these there is no other expenses.
Within how many days I will be able to make money?
-> It depends on your own effort. If you work on it seriously then you should get your first sale within 30-45 days. Once you get your first sale, then just repeat the process until you don’t reach your goal.
Update: Bonus not available anymore.
Rapid Profit Formula Bonus:
I am giving away two of my guides who will purchase Rapid profit formula from my blog. These two guides will help you to understand Search Engine Optimization clearly and I have got lot of good feedback from my customers. I offered these two guide in Warrior Forum. You know that I can’t sale a junk product on Warrior Forum and if I do so, I won’t get good feedback. Feel free to check it out yourself:
Below are the two guides:
Guide 1: Complete Search Engine Optimization Reference: In this guide I have includes all about search engine optimization that you must know if you want to rank your site in search engine.
Guide 2: BacklinksExpo1.1 - If you are newbie then it will be little difficult for you to understand. Start it only after gaining knowledge of search engine optimization. This guide is all about indexing backlinks which is a very very important part of search engine optimization.
So, what do you think about Rapid Profit Formula? Take you time and think once whether you are willing to commit yourself or not. If you are then go for it or else forget about it.
I wish you a great success and please let me know if you want to know any more details about Rapid Profit Formula. I am not a good blogger because of my poor English. I just write in my own style and share whatever I like.
Thanks a lot for reading my rapid profit formula review. I know it’s too long and sorry for that. Good Luck.

I am a Blogger who likes to make money online. Previously I was working in a Software Company and I quit my job in February 2010. Since then I make my full time income online.