7 Proven Ways To Make Money Blogging
In many places likes forums I saw people asking How To Make Money Blogging? So, I thought to write a post on this. Though it is not easy task to make money blogging, if anybody stay consistent in works I believe it’s possible. It’s all depends on taking action.
There are so many ways to blogging for money but everything depends on the amount of traffic you get to your blog. This is real true and it takes time to get traffic. Below I am writing in details about the 7 proven ways to make money blogging.
Get Paid For Blogging:
Did you know that you can get paid for blogging? If you have a blog with some good content you can get paid for blogging. You can join for free and then submit your blog. Once you get approval you can start making money from your blog.
The task is simple. You will be assigned to write review on different product and post on your blog. Depending on your review You will be paid $20.00 to $200.00 for each completed review that you post on your site. Below are the list of some website where you can join:
Placing Text/Banner Advertise on your blog
This is most common and I think you already know about it. To make money you can place different text advertise and banner advertisement on your blog. However to get approval your blog should contain unique and quality content. Don’t forget to go through the terms and condition while registering. Below is the list:
- Text-Links-Ads
- Adbirte
- LinkWorth
- InLinks
- Amazon Associate Program
- Linkadage
- Yahoo Publisher Advertise Program
- Direct-Links-Ads
- TextLinkBrokers
- Chitka
- Bidvertiser
- AdsForIndians
- InfoLinks
- Kontera
Placing Multimedia Advertisement
This is one more new way to make money blogging. As soon as you agree to place multimedia advertisement on your blog, some audio or video advertisement will be played on your blog while your blog loads. To make money user don’t have to click on those advertisement unlike text or banner advertisement. You will be paid once advertisement played on your blog. However it’s depends on your location and blog traffic. You can try:
Promoting Affiliate Product
This is the common thing that every blogger do. And true thing is if you don’t implement, it will be very difficult to make money online. Be an affiliate and promote them through your blog post. If you are new to Affiliate Marketing then you can view my another post and come back here.
Make Money With Product Review
Do you brows internet for review of a product you are going to buy? I think you do and most of the people do. Did you get the idea? Wait! I will explain in details. Take some products and prepare a nice review on them.
I am not saying you should prepare review to cheat people. Be honest and try to give review on some quality product. Help people by giving some details on those product. Next publish your review on your blog. If you write well people will like your review and they may buy that product. As a result you will earn commission.
However to do this you need a good and attractive blog theme so that your blog looks professional. You can try once Alex Sysoef’s Review Blog System. This theme is specially designed for review blog. So many plugins are already set to make your job more easy. Also these themes are fully search engine optimized which is a crucial part for the success of your review.
Selling Private Label Right Product On Your Blog
Want some product as your own and sell it for profit? Let me give you an easy way to have your own product. You can make easy money online buy selling Private Label Right product. With Private Label Product you can do anything whatever you like. You can sell the product as you are the author, break the ebook’s part and post it to your blog, use it for your newsletter and so on..Just think you got your own product.
I have few more Private Label Rights Ebooks and Software. If you want a few then contact me. I will send you a page for downloading.
Selling your Own Product
I know you are thinking this is not a simple task but many people create a information product and sell through their blog. They create a product on a particular niche and sell it for $10 to $15. Actually they create a small report containing 10-15 pages.
Many people like to write and they want to express their knowledge to their friends, colleagues and family member. If you are one of them and at the same time want to make money online then you can give a try to create your own information product.
If still you are thinking it’s hard to build a hot selling info product then you can try-
7 Day Info Product Greatness - The Easy Method to Build a Hot Selling Info Product For Any Niche.
You will learn how to build a hot selling info product and you’ll only have to do a minor amount of touching up to the product and You’re going to have it in less than 7 days!
Renting Your Blog Space For Advertising
This is a very common way to make money blogging. Once your blog start getting good amount of traffic and get good rank in SERP, you can rent some of your blog space. Create one page as “Advertise Here” and publish in your blog. You will be contacted if anybody want to place advertise on your blog. Some examples are - Banner Advertisement, Text Links advertising etc. You can also write sponsored post for some additional income.
Want a Blog like this? Check My *Blogging Product Review*
Related articles by Zemanta
- How to Make More Money Without Getting More Traffic (mt-soft.com.ar)
- How Affiliate Marketing Will Increase Your Income (slyvisions.com)
Tags:blogging for money,get paid for blogging,Make Money Blogging,make money by blogging
Thank you for your post. As a single mum wanting to give my son quality of life I started bloging a few months now. Your tips are really great. Thank YOu.
Pushpa’s last blog post..Personal Awareness and Success
Thanks a lot Puspha. I feel happy if my information help somebody. I am going to post more important information so that anybody can start blogging easily.
7 Red Hot Tips To Make Money Blogging…
Want to make money blogging? Get 7 Red Hot Tips to make money blogging…
Very nice post indeed… But blogging is a lot of work than you are expecting. I am sure it will never be as easy as writing and reading, it’s way beyond that.
Vince’s last blog post..Ultimate Plugin Smart Update Pinger Review
Vince, thanks for your feedback. Not only blogging any internet business needs so much passion. The most important thing is traffic.
Thanks a lot for the helpful review of UPSUP. I never thought that it may create such problem. I have to be careful now..
I must say that overall I am really impressed with this blog.It is easy to see that you are impassioned about your writing. I wish I had got your ability to write. I look forward to more updates and will be returning.
Thanks for your info. It sounds like you are where I want to get to. Im still researching ways to make money
Although this is good old post, the ways of making money online are made easy here. Thanks for sharing!!!
Thank you for all the great ideas and suggestions that you propose in this article. There are really so many ways to make money online. There are always programs that pay you for the traffic for shortening URLs and driving traffic to them!
first of all I would like to say that I am really glad to find this blog. I think Chandan is one of the few blogers who knows what he is writing not like majority who simply rewrites other people’s articles or write stupid things..
Here I find every article interesting and what is more important I learn lots of new thing while reading! especially the experiments//
..just wanted to thank you)
By the way I was always wondering those who write product reviews on their blogs simply surf the web for something interesting or it is all in the day’s work if I contact them and ask to make a review on my product or even write the review by myself and the bloger posts it for a commission?)
Thank you for your great feedback
I am really glad to get this. But I still need to do a lot and I am on the way.